SLOGI events

dr. Henrik Neubauer (1929–2024)

The hon has left us dr. Henrik Neubauer, who, with his precise presence supported by his excellent physical condition and his almost encyclopedic memory, left a selfless mark even in the cataloging of the uncatalogued archive collections of SLOGI - the Slovenian Theater Institute. We also participated in the publication of several publications that invaluable recorded our theater history.

Among other things, we remember him as the choreographer in Goethe's ground-breaking ambient setting Faust directed by Balbina Battelino Baranovič in Ljubljana's Križanke in July 1959.
» /…/ in addition to choreography, I also danced and played Siebel, which is Goethe's male role //… V Faust I was also Satan, and in both roles Balbina Baranović had me speak the text. So I actually had three functions – acting, speaking and choreography.”
"Henrik Neubauer was not just a dancer, I saw in him above all a man with a very rich spirit, his family was very surprised when he decided to pursue a career as a dancer. In my opinion, he saw much more in dance than what was generally understood as dance (ballet) at that time. He saw and knew much more. /…/ Neubauer and I collaborated specifically in Faust, he added dance elements, but there was no disharmony between the lyrics and the dance. Our cooperation was mutual: if he listened to my interpretation of the text, I listened to his initiatives. Thus, a harmonious performance was created; our critics didn't even know how to rate it, while foreigners saw the play in a completely different way."
From an interview with Henrik Neubauer and Balbina Battelina Baranovič (Jesenko, Primož. Edge in the center, Selected chapters on experimental theater in Slovenia 1955–1967. Document of the Slovenian Theater Institute, no. 92, vol. 51, p. 313 and 300–301).

Thus, we were left without a personality who made the knowledge of the history of the Ljubljana Festival, the beginnings of experimental theater in the Knights' Hall of Križanka, and the establishment of a range of untested movement performance possibilities in institutions after the Second World War seem renewable and accessible.

From now on, the possibility of this will be significantly less.

JW Goethe, Faust, directed by Balbina Battelino Baranović, Experimental Theatre, premiere 7/6/1959, Križanka lobby. Source: Icon Library SLOGI - Theater Museum.
JW Goethe, Faust, directed by Balbina Battelino Baranović, Experimental Theatre, premiere 7/6/1959, Križanka lobby. Source: Icon Library SLOGI - Theater Museum.

Cover photo: Henrik Neubauer as Paž (in: Fran Lhotka, Medieval love, directed and choreographed by Pia and Pino Mlakar, SNG in Ljubljana – Opera, 1950/51). Source: Icon Library SLOGI - Theater Museum.

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