
Iconoteka is the most extensive museum collection of SLOGI - the Theater Museum - it consists of rich printed and pictorial material related to performances of Slovenian professional theaters and creators - theater lists, leaflets, stickers, posters, stage and costume sketches, models, recognitions, death masks, photographs and works of art…

Scenery and costume sketches have a special place in the collection Augusta Chernigoj, portraits Božidar JakacNikolaj Pirnat and Mihe Maleš, renderings Ivan Vavpotič, theater posters Matjaž Vipotnik and photographic works Vlastje SimončičJenda Štovička and Tone Stojka.

Gifts and legacies of Slovenian stage artists significantly contribute to the wealth of the collection.

Svetlana Makarovič, Davor Rocco, Smrad opera, režiser Dušan Jovanović, Slovensko mladinsko gledališče, premiera 15. januarja 1982. Foto: Tone Stojko; vir : Ikonoteka SLOGI – Gledališki muzej.
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Ivan Cankar, Hlapci, režiser Dušan Jovanović, Mestno gledališče ljubljansko, premiera 11. oktobra 1980. Na fotografiji v ospredju: Janez Hočevar kot Jerman. Foto: Tone Stojko; vir: Ikonoteka SLOGI – Gledališki muzej.
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Maša Kagao Knez, Moja (boljša) polovica?, koreografa Maša Kagao Knez, Nestor Kouame, Plesni teater Ljubljana, premiera 10. 6. 2007. Na fotografiji: Maša Kagao Knez, Nestor Kouame. Foto: Tone Stojko; vir :Ikonoteka SLOGI – Gledališki muzej.
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Tchrimekundan or The Unblinded, directed by Jernej Lorenci, SNT Drama Ljubljana – Small Stage, première 15 April 2005. Photo: Tone Stojko; source: Iconotheque SLOGI – Theatre Museum.
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Jernej Šugman as Hamlet in: William Shakespeare, Hamlet, directed by Janez Pipan, SNT Drama Ljubljana, première 14 October 1994. Photo: Tone Stojko; source: Iconotheque SLOGI – Theatre Museum.
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From our collections - Touring Exhibition Tone Stojko, Theatre Photography
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Henrik Neubauer as Paž (in: Fran Lhotka, Medieval love, directed and choreographed by Pia and Pino Mlakar, SNG in Ljubljana – Opera, 1950/51). Source: Icon Library SLOGI - Theater Museum.
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William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night or Whatever You Want, directed by Janez Vrhunc, City Theater Ljubljana, premiere on October 9, 1963. Set design: Milan Butina; source: Icon collection SLOGI - Theater Museum.
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Janez Vrečko, Samo Gabrijelčič and Zdenko Kodrič in: Dane Zajc, Pathwalker, Pekarna Theatre, 1972. Photo: Tone Stojko. Source: SLOGI Iconotheque – Theater Museum.
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Jernej Šugman as Hamlet in: William Shakespeare, Hamlet, directed by Janez Pipan, SNT Drama Ljubljana, première 14 October 1994. Photo: Tone Stojko; source: Iconotheque SLOGI – Theatre Museum.
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Sebastijan Horvat, Elsinor (based on Hamlet), directed by Sebastijan Horvat, Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television of the University of Ljubljana, premiere 27 January 1994, Cekin Mansion In the photo: Nataša Matjašec as Gertrude and Aleš Kolar as Klavdij Photo: Tone Stojko; source: SLOGI Iconotheque – Theater Museum.
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Virtual collections and E-exhibitions of the Iconoteka

The Slovenian Theater Institute has been preparing E-exhibitions since 2012. With e-exhibitions we cannot and do not want to replace "physical" exhibitions, but we want to use them to attract visitors who otherwise do not go to museums and galleries, to offer remote access to physically challenged and geographically remote users, to appeal to a younger audience and to enable an easier and time-limited access to researchers, in short, we want to make our collections as accessible as possible. Around 600 artefacts from the Iconotheque are also available in our online collections, which are constantly being updated.

Most of our E-exhibitions are also available in English, and the artifacts covered in them eventually become part of a global online collection Europeana.

E-exhibitions published on the central Slovenian theater web portal SiGledal.org or on the museum web portal Museums.si.


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