International Cooperation

SLOGI cooperates and connects with related institutions at home and abroad through its existing international network of partners, by establishing new connections and acquiring new partners, by cooperating with experts in the field of the institute's work, and by exchanging knowledge and good practices.

In the years 2008-2010, within the framework of the Culture 2000 program, we cooperated with theater institutes and museums from the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia and together prepared an ambitious international project Theater architecture in Central Europe (TACE – Theater Architecture in Central Europe). In the years 2012-2017 we are under the auspices Associations of historical theaters of Europe (Perspective) and with the financial support of the Culture program together with five museums from Austria, Denmark, Germany, Poland and Great Britain designed a high-profile traveling exhibition The history of Europe - as told by the theatres. As part of the Perspectiv association, we also participate in the project The European Route of Historic Theatres.

Inštitut je bil v obdobju 2019 – 2023 vodilni partner projekta Classics in comics: an exemplary model of innovative cultural and artistic education in secondary schools, ki se je s partnerji iz Poljske in Slovaške ter v sodelovanju z umetniki ter srednjimi šolami osredotočal na razvoj vzorčnega modela inovativne medpodročne in interdisciplinarne kulturno-umetnostne vzgoje v srednji šoli na podlagi izbranih evropskih dramskih klasik, udejanjenih v stripu. Projekt je podpiral program Evropske unije Ustvarjalna Evropa.

Among other things, the institute is also involved in the project Reclaimed Avant-garde, ki s partnerji iz osrednje in vzhodne Evrope znanstveno raziskuje in interpretira zgodovinsko avantgardo v gledališču, v pripravo mednarodnega projekta s partnerji iz vzhodne in severne Evrope na temo gledališke fotografije, v pripravo mednarodne antologije dramskih tekstov mladih evropskih dramatikov s partnerji iz vzhodne Evrope in Amerike. SLOGI načrtuje tudi nova dvo- in večstranska sodelovanja s partnerji iz tujine in povezovanje z mednarodnimi združenji s področja dela inštituta. Od leta 2019 je SLOGI član v mednarodnih združenjih ENCIPA (European Network of Information Centers for the Performing Arts) and SIBMAS (of the International Association of Libraries, Museums, Archives and Documentation Centers for the Performing Arts).

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