Po stalni razstavi Slovenskega gledališkega inštituta In Pursuit of a Theatre. From the Jesuits to Cankar vas bo na vodstvu ob Dnevih evropske kulturne dediščine popeljala soavtorica razstave Tea Rogelj, MA, museum consultant from the Slovenian Theater Institute - Theater Museum.
Permanent exhibition sheds light on the path that Slovenian theater traveled from the 17th to the 20th century. The great story begins with the theater of reformers and counter-reformers and concludes with the appearance of the Slovenian playwright Ivan Cankar of the European format at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. At the same time, it clearly shows that all the key breakthrough events and processes on this path are either parallel European processes or European roots or influences; but at the same time also a sign of the emancipation of Slovenian theater from excessive commitment to the latter - especially at the level of language and national identity.
Odprto/individualni ogledi stalne razstave: pon.–pet. 9.00–16.00.
Free entry!