Slovenian drama and Trieste text

Ljubljana: Slovenian Theater Museum, 2011

Edited by: Ivo Svetina and Zarika Snoj Verbovšek

Paperback, 187 pages.

Price: 11 EUR

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Being Slovenian in Trieste is a complex concept.


dr. In her research, Bogomila Kravos connected Slovenian drama, which was created in the second half of the 20th century in Trieste, with the place and time of its creation. So she created chronotope the city of Trieste, or the "Triest text", a uniform structure that encompasses two fundamental components of a literary text.


The author approached this with the help of Russian literary studies, specifically Vladimir N. Toporov, who was the first to justify the literary text as the text of a concrete topos - Petersburg. The research of the dramatic chronos and topos (chronotope) is further deepened by the findings of the Russian scientist Juri M. Lotman, on the basis of which the author defines the "Triest text" as "a constantly emerging, frontier area of constant multiplication of languages". This path leads the author to an innovative discovery of hitherto hidden meanings of Trieste's Slovenian drama.


In the discussion, Kravosova opens a fresh and broad view of Trieste drama (and the literature of the Slovenian West), as she systematically investigates and analyzes the wider (multi-ethnic) context of this drama. The work of Bogomila Kravos is extremely important not only from the point of view of comparative historical literary studies, but mainly because of its inclusion in the "broader context" of Trieste. By selecting excerpts from dramatic texts on the spot, the reader is given a glimpse into those inconspicuous features of dramatic texts that reflect the truth of place and time.


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