
Gerolamo Rovetta: Dishonest  Translation: Etbin Kristan.




V arhivu Dramatičnega društva hranimo tudi Kristanov rokopisni prevod drame Dishonest (29 x 23 cm, 100 strani, sig. DD 214).  Tragedija Dishonest (I disonesti, 1894) je poleg drame Romantika (Romanticismo, 1901) najbolj znana igra italijanskega romanopisca in dramatika Gerolama Rovette (1851-1910).

Slovenska oziroma ljubljanska praizvedba je bila 18. januarja 1908. Tragedijo je režiral Leon Dragutinović:

Kristanov prevod Nepoštenih je bil uprizorjen še dvakrat. V Trstu sta ga režirala Dragutinović in Milan Skrbinšek (1913 in 1918). V enakem zaporedju sta režirala tudi edino Rovettovo besedilo, ki je bilo – poleg Nepoštenih, uprizorjeno v slovenskih gledališčih: Papa ekselenca (Papa Eccellenza, 1908). Dragutinović ga je v Trstu režiral v sezoni 1911/12, Milan Skrbinšek pa v isti sezoni kot Nepoštene (1918/19).

About publishing Kristan's original works and translations online:

From the beginning of the 20th century until the First World War, Etbin Kristan was heavily involved in the operation of the Regional Theater in Ljubljana. He was a translator of dramatic texts, a theater critic, a member of the Drama Society, a lecturer at a drama school, the author of articles on drama and theater, and above all a playwright. We have published some of his dramatic works online (all but the later Revenge, were performed on the stage of the State Theater during this period:

In the archive of the Dramatic Society, which is part of the library collection of the Slovenian Theater Institute, four of Kristan's translation manuscripts have been preserved (besides Moloch even Schiller's The Virgin of Orleans, Ibsen's Rosmersholm and drama Dishonest Gerolam Rovette. We have published everything on our website.

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