Theater e-detectives, e-games (e-education)

Preizkusite svoje znanje o gledališču in rešite naše spletne raziskovalne naloge. Kaj veste o gledališču? Kaj potrebujemo za gledališko predstavo? Kje je kaj v gledališču? Kdo vse dela v gledališču? In še raziskovanje skozi kostumske in scenske skice, gledališke stavbe ter gledališke izraze.   Vstopite med Gledališke e-detektive na platformi Zlata paličica

Theater birthday

Celebrate your happy birthday with a theatrical, playful and creative birthday and take your friends to the interesting world of theater in the premises of the theater museum in the middle of Ljubljana!

SLOGI mobile

SLOGI workshops that can be hosted all over Slovenia

A space within a space

At the permanent exhibition, we will see how the premises of the theater have changed over time.

Clothes make the man

In the workshop, we will explore how the theater costume has developed over time, how a costume is created in the theater today and what kind of message it can have.

Theater detectives

Theater detectives.

A shorter guided tour is followed by imaginative and creative self-discovery of the contents of the exhibition.

Baroque stage magic

Baroque stage magic.

Na stalni razstavi se udeleženci seznanijo z baročnimi gledališkimi kulisami in odrsko tehniko iz preteklih časov.

Following the traces of theater history

During the guided tour, the participants get to know different types of materials, sources and carriers of messages that tell about the history of theater in Slovenia.

Signs in the theater

Delavnica je namenjena spoznavanju osnov analize in razumevanja gledaliških predstav, ki z gledalcem komunicirajo na različne načine.

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