Slovensko gledališče v Trstu. Od prvih nastopov do današnjih dni. 1848–2018.

Maloprodajna cena: 26 EUR

Online sales

16,7 x 24 cm, 315 strani

ISBN 978-961-213-296-5

COBISS.SI-ID 300312064

Izdala: Slovenska matica (zanjo Ignacija Fridl Jarc) in Slovenski gledališki inštitut (zanj Mojca Jan Zoran), 2019

Izid knjige je podprla Javna agencija za knjigo Republike Slovenije.


Monografija Slovenian Theater in Trieste. From the first performances to the present day. 1848–2018 je celovit prikaz gledališke zgodovine in razvoja institucionalnega gledališča v Trstu ter najbolj celovit pregled gledališke dejavnosti Slovencev v Trstu in okolici od začetkov v letu 1848 do danes. Avtorica Bogomila Kravos je v njej zbrala in objavila pomembne vire in fotografsko gradivo, ki govorijo o začetkih narodnega in obenem gledališkega prebujenja Slovencev na Tržaškem. Gledališko zgodovino Trsta povzema kronološko, po pomembnejših obdobjih in zgodovinskih prelomnicah. Vsakemu razdelku je dodala tudi seznam vseh zabeleženih uprizoritev.

Despite the extraordinary amount of data, the description of the development of the Trieste theater, as written by Bogomila Kravos, is above all a living and living theatrical reality, as the author cites many public documents - letters, criticisms, newspaper clippings, in which not only historical facts are emphasized, but also political, cultural , linguistic and purely interpersonal relations in the Trieste theater environment. Work Slovenian Theater in Trieste. From the first performances to the present day. 1848–2018 it is also valuable because in it the author succeeds in pulling back the stage curtains after the performance has ended and after the spotlights of the public have gone out. With the complete accompanying professional apparatus and accurate inventories, her research work will undoubtedly become a valuable resource for future research generations.

Bogomila Kravos (Trieste, 1948) is a Slavologist, a theater expert, a doctor of science in the field of literary studies and an independent researcher. She taught at Slovenian higher secondary schools in Trieste, with Sergej and Ivan Verč and Boris Kobal, she directed the Slovenian Amateur Theater (1971–1977), was one of the founders of the New Trieste Theater (1989–1990), and headed the Slovenian Club in Trieste (1994– 2004) and since 1991 she has been the president of the city association Slavko Škamperle. As an expert for Trieste's Slovenian Permanent Theater, he cooperates with the Slovenian Theater Institute in Ljubljana, the Trieste Civico Museo Teatrale C. Schmidl and the Slovenian Research Institute. So far, she has published monographic works: Slovenian Theater in Trieste 1945–1965 (Ljubljana: SGM, 2001), Golden years in Trieste theatre (Koper: Lipa, 2003), Slovenian permanent theater in Trieste - tradition in an intercultural reality (Ljubljana: SGM, 2011), Slovenian drama and Trieste text (Ljubljana: SGM, 2011), SAG – TREST (Slovenian amateur theater from the 1971/72 season to the 1976/77 season) (Ljubljana: SGM, 2012), My father's story (Ljubljana: SM, 2013), Un teatro per la città (Trieste, Ljubljana: SLORI, SSG, SLOGI, 2015), collection of essays Applause to the Trieste theater ensemble from 1945-65 (Trieste: ZTT, 2017). He also publishes in the professional press. She co-wrote the script of the documentary Pappenstory – Story about the Slovenian amateur theater SAG Trieste (Bela film, directed by Martin Turk, 2016).


Fotoutrinki s predstavitve monografije, 5. 9. 2019 v Slovenski matici

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