THE SPACE WITHIN THE SPACE – Scenography in Slovenia before 1991. Guidebook to the exhibition

Retail price: 12 EUR

27 cm, 59 pages

ISBN 978-961-6743-74-7

Publisher: National Gallery of Slovenia, Ljubljana, 2019

The Space within the Space: Scenography in Slovenia until 1991 is the first overall exhibition to present Slovenian scenography from historical, stylistic, artistic and theatrical aspects. On the basis of surviving set design models and drafts in various art techniques, sketches, plans, and photographs of performances, scenography is established here as a discipline and as a work by contemporary and earlier scenographers who created spaces for plays on Slovenian stages. Scenography and visual arts are closely related. Scenographers of the older generation were often prominent Slovenian painters, so the exhibition underlines the part of their oeuvres done for theatres, which has been poorly presented in monograph surveys before. Among prominent artists who designed stage settings are also Ivan Vavpotič, Maksim Gaspari, Avgust Černigoj, and Gabrijel Stupica. The exhibition integrates scenography into Slovenian and European fine arts and theatre history and brings a new look at the history of art and that of theatre in our country.

Alongside the historizing of Slovenian theatre and Slovenian fine arts, The Space within the Space also opens a space for cooperation. The exhibition has been mounted by the Slovenian Theatre Institute (SLOGI – Theatre Museum) and the National Gallery of Slovenia, technical works have been provided by the Slovenian National Theatre Opera and Ballet Ljubljana, and the exhibits come from Slovenian museums and galleries, theatres, the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts and numerous individuals. We believe that, in spite of certain bureaucratic obstacles, joint brainstorming, combining the knowledge, a creative dialogue, and cooperation between public institutions, individuals and other organizations create new spiritual spaces and expand the ways for presentation of Slovenian cultural heritage, the basis of historical identity of an individual as well as the society.


The exhibition was prepared by the Slovenian Theatre Institute and the National Gallery of Slovenia. The installation was set-up with the technical help of SNT Opera and Ballet Ljubljana.


Published by: National Gallery of Slovenia, Ljubljana (represented by: Barbara Jaki)

Text: Ana Kocjančič

Editing: Michel Mohor

Translation: Blanka Klemenc

Proofreading: Rosana Čop

Photo: atelje Pavšič Zavadlav, Janko Dermastja, Marko Japelj, Breda Kolar Sluga, Marko Modic, Andrej Ovsec

Graphic design of the cover and sign of the project: Andrej Stražišar

Preparation of images for print: Janko Dermastja, Andrej Ovsec

Layout: Kristina Kurent

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