Dogodki SLOGI

“Novo gledališče za 21. stoletje”– predstavitev zmagovalnega študentskega projekta

Presented by the co-creators Jana Kocjan and Mina Hiršman.
V sklopu spremljevalnega programa razstave TACE Beyond Everydayness / Onkraj vsakdanjosti v praški Nacionalni tehnični knjižnici

Avtorji projekta:
Alen Hausmeister, Mina Hiršman, Aleš Kacin, Jana Kocjan, Katja Ložar

prof. Miloš Florjančič, asistent: Mitja Zorc
Fakulteta za arhitekturo, Univerza v Ljubljani

TACE – Gledališka arhitektura v srednji Evropi
delavnica za študente arhitekture


“Novo gledališče za 21. stoletje” – vizija novega gledališča na izbrani lokaciji v središču Ljubljane
Fakulteta za arhitekturo v Ljubljani je gostila študente in profesorje sedmih fakultet za ahitekturo iz srednje Evrope na arhitekturni delavnici.
Cilj delavnice je bil razmislek o perspektivah in možnostih sodobnega gledališča za 21. stoletje ter vizija novega gledališča na Južnem trgu v Ljubljani. Rezultati delavnice, ki so bili oktobra razstavljeni na ljubljanskem Magistratu, pa so poskušali odgovoriti na vprašanje, kakšni so prostori sodobnih scenskih umetnosti in kaj pomeni novo gledališče za javni urbani prostor v centru Ljubljane.


TACE – Theatre Architecture in Central Europe
workshop for students of architecture
The project discusses the concept of theatre in the 21st century, its role in contemporary society and its incorporation into the existing organism of the city. The following suppositions for the design project were developed from the studies:
– theatre today consists of various types of performing arts (classical and non-classical performances) held on different types of stages (traditional and non-traditional)
– a new approach was to find spaces not necessarily meant to be (or suitable to be) stages and arouse the artist’s creativity and trigger new forms of theatre
– stress was put on the technical aspects of a theatre stage
The idea was not a theatre on the location, but a creation of a theatre space (theatre city) out of the location. Our project tries to find and define some of these possible performance spaces as the theatre of the 21st century itself evolves. However, there is also a classical stage with strong technical support.


O razstavi


Cilj delavnice je bil razmislek o perspektivah in možnostih sodobnega gledališča za 21. stoletje ter vizija novega gledališča na Južnem trgu v Ljubljani.


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