Dogodki SLOGI

From our Collections – Miroslav Vilhar & Mirko Mahnič: The Grand Word (An Evening at the Reading Room), directed by Mirko Mahnič, Ljubljana City Theatre, opening on 26 November, 1953

We are presenting our our collections. In December 2019 we are presenting a portratit and poster of Augusta Danilova.

Mirko Mahnič (1919–2018), language consultant, dramaturg, theatre director, lecturer and publicist, wrote a number of stage adaptations, one of them being An Evening at the Reading Room. Mahnič himself put it on stage of the Ljubljana City Theatre in 1953. Five years later, in 1958, the performance was selected to took part at the Sterijino pozorje, the central Yugoslav theatre festival in Novi Sad where Mirko Mahnič was awarded for the outstanding drama adaptation.

Source: SLOGI Iconotheque – Theatre Museum.

From our Collections – December 2019 Poster:

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