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From our Collections – At the 100th anniversary of Bojan Štih‘s birth

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At the 100th anniversary of Bojan Štih‘s birth

Bojan Štih, born 18 February 1923, in years 1961–1982 the artistic leader of four theatre houses in Slovenia, has left the most decisive mark on the shaping of contemporary dramaturgical concept in 1961–1968 at the Slovene National Theatre Drama in Ljubljana.

In this time, Drama gradually transformed the working principle and approach to stage creation, whose modernized repertory excluded strict academism, activistism or didactic features. This subjected Drama to a supplementary exam in modern aesthetics. The staging of contemporary drama uncleanched the stiff psychologism. The ascetic style of Slovene drama authors and acting at the experimental Stage 57 were seamlessly taken over by Drama. A set of successful performances, directed by Mile Korun, stand out; including one of the period‘s peaks: Who‘s afraid of Virginia Woolf? by Edward Albee in 1964.

Štih‘s reflection of the function and role of the artistic leadership holds still: »Don‘t be fooled to feel the role of an artistic leader as a position and social function. These roles are neither lucrative nor happy. In fact, these are troublesome roles.«

From our Collections – March 2023 Poster:

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