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Amfiteater, Journal of Performing Arts Theory, Volume 9, Number 2

The focus of this Amfiteater issue presents essays of the prominent scholars and artists from theatre sciences, anthropology, philosophy and psychology of art as well as from sensorial theatre practices. The scholars and artists try to define how the sensorial method activates the process of self-examination by unlocking images, memories and associations; and how it builds up a specific self-reflection and self-awareness. How do performing and visual arts use scents and specifically smell; what does the sensorial revolution contribute to the future of art and culture scholarship, locally and globally? Within, you will find contributions dealing with particular performances and performance models (Barbara Orel, Barbara Pia Jenič, Tomaž Toporišič); performing arts and sensory culture (Enrique Vargas, Igor Areh); the sensorial as a possible tool for the social mediation and association of different social groups (Caro Verbeek, Peter de Cupere, Simon Hajdini, David Howes and Rajko Muršič). It is a meeting place for different perspectives, different backgrounds that we think open up new perspectives on the phenomena of scent in everyday life, theory and performing practices.

The theme of sensorial theatre is complemented by three articles on Slovene and international theatre and a book review of Rhapsody for the Theatre by Alain Badiou.

The journal is included in: MLA International Bibliography (Directory of periodicals), Scopus, DOAJ. The publishing of Amfiteater is supported by the Slovenian Research Agency and the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia.

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