The first number of the ninth year of the Amfiteater is dedicated to the theme of community in theatre. How does theatre shape the community? Does it have any impact on the wider society? How is the community inscribed in the dramatic text itself? These are just some of the questions that our and foreign authors address when analysing examples from the theatrical history of the 20th and 21st centuries.
This number of Amfiteater was inspired by the 50th anniversary of the Glej Theatre form Ljubljana in 2020, when an international scientific symposium on the topic of Community works was held. Articles bring an analysis of Slovenian experimental theatres (Tomaž Toporišič), Croatian theatre scene (Višnja Kačić Rogošić). They further discuss the differences between of devised and collective theatre (Aldo Milohnić) and between dramatic and no-longer-dramatic text (Gašper Troha). They are complemented by analyses of various contemporary examples of theatre collectives (Branko Jordan) and examples of theatre interference in the wider social community in Ghana (Promise Nyatepeh Nyatuame, and Akosua Abdalah), in Mexico (Marina Pallarès Elias) and in the Czech Republic (Intelektrurálně Collective).
The journal is included in: MLA International Bibliography (Directory of periodicals), Scopus, DOAJ.