Ivan Vavpotič: a Set design sketches for An Event in the Town of Goga, directed by Osip Šest, Ljubljana National Theater (Drama) 1930/31. Source: Iconotheque SLOGI – Theatre Museum.
/by sara
//www.slogi.si/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/slogi-slovenski-gledaliski-institut-3.svg00sara//www.slogi.si/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/slogi-slovenski-gledaliski-institut-3.svgsara2019-01-25 14:57:002019-01-25 14:57:00Ivan Vavpotič: a Set design sketches for An Event in the Town of Goga, directed by Osip Šest, Ljubljana National Theater (Drama) 1930/31. Source: Iconotheque SLOGI – Theatre Museum.