The first issue of the fourth volume of Amfiteater features four articles by Slovenian authors as well as three book reviews. The articles presented in the previous issue were chiefly characterised by a more sociologically-based approach; as a consequence, traditional theatre genres were in the foreground. This time, however, the authors embark on more contemporary genres which purposely transcend the conventional limitations of the main theatre types.
Tomaž Krpič:
The Spectator’s Cognitive Substitution of the Absent Performer’s Phenomenal Body
Nenad Jelesijević:
On the Embodied Critique of/in Performance
Mala Kline:
Katja Gorečan:
Aldo Milohnić:
Zgodovinopisni rekviem za razvaline nemškega gledališča v Ljubljani (Sandra Jenko: Jubilejno gledališče cesarja Franca Jožefa v Ljubljani. Zgodovina nastanka in razvoj nemškega odra med 1911 in 1918.) (available in Sloveninan language only)
Jasmina Založnik:
Opotekajoča se premestitev (MISperformance: essays in Shifting Perspectives. Ur. Marin Blažević in Lada Čale Feldman.) (available in Sloveninan language only)
Amy Bryzgel:
The Imponderability of life (in Progress) (Janez Janša: Life II [in Progress]. Ed. Janez Janša.)
Editor-in-Chief: Maja Šorli
Editorial Board: Bojana Kunst, Barbara Orel, Ana Perne, Blaž Lukan, Aldo Milohnić, Gašper Troha
International Advisory Board: Mark Amerika (University of Colorado, US), Marin Blažević (Sveučilište u Zagrebu, HR), Ramsay Burt (De Montfort University, GB), Joshua Edelman (Manchester Metropolitan University, GB), Jure Gantar (Dalhousie University, CA), Janelle Reinelt (The University of Warwick, GB), Anneli Saro (Tartu Űlikool, EE), Miško Šuvaković (Univerzitet Singidunum, RS), S. E. Wilmer (Trinity College Dublin, IE)
Amfiteater – Journal of Performing Arts Theory was founded in 2008 by the Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television, University of Ljubljana.