The history of Europe - told by its theatres. European Touring Exhibition.

“The history of Europe – told by its theatres” was a touring exhibition, created by six theatre museums from six countries. The exhibition was on show from 2015 to 2018 in Warsaw, Copenhagen, Vienna, Munich, Ljubljana, Hanau, London, and Bellinzona. With more than 250 exhibits, the exhibition illustrates how the history of Europe from antiquity …
“Borštnik Bound!” An Exhibition Celebrating 50 Years of the Maribor Theatre Festival

In celebration of the Festival’s 50th anniversary, the Slovenian Theatre Institute, the National Liberation Museum, the Slovene National Theatre Maribor and the Maribor Theatre Festival have prepared in cooperation with Slovenian theatres, the Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television and Celje Historical Archives (and for the virtual e-xhibition also the Novi Zato. Institute and …
Alenka Bartl, Costume Designer

Alenka Bartl has a very rich creative career behind her. In the early 1950s, before graduating from the Academy of Applied Arts in Belgrade, she designed her first costumes for plays, operas and ballets at the Slovene National Theatre in Ljubljana. She was one of the first Slovene professional costume designers to have a university …
Beyond Everydayness, Exhibition of Theater Architecture in Central Europe

Is the Czech National Theater representative of Czech architecture? What about the iconic theaters in Prague, Ljubljana, Warsaw, and Bratislava? Is there still such a thing as national theater at the beginning of the 21st century? And how is it to be represented in modern architecture if it is to look different from shopping centers...