SLOGI mobile
SLOGI workshops that can be hosted all over Slovenia
Theater masks
In the workshop, we go back to the time of Greek antiquity.
A space within a space
At the permanent exhibition, we will see how the premises of the theater have changed over time.
Baroque stage magic
Na stalni razstavi se udeleženci seznanijo z baročnimi gledališkimi kulisami in odrsko tehniko iz preteklih časov.
Following the traces of theater history
During the guided tour, the participants get to know different types of materials, sources and carriers of messages that tell about the history of theater in Slovenia.
Elizabethan Theatre
Participants will learn about Shakespeare's era and the theater life of that time.
This happy day at the theater museum
With a guided tour of the permanent exhibition, participants place Anton Tomaž Linhart in the history of Slovenian theatre.
Theater of the Cankar era and Servants in comics
Na stalni razstavi gledališkega muzeja bomo spoznali pogled Ivana Cankarja na ljubljansko gledališko življenje poznega 19. in zgodnjega 20. stoletja.
Doživetje Škofjeloškega pasijona
Udeleženci spoznajo zgodovino, izvirno besedilo in pomen Škofjeloškega pasijona ter …