SLOGI mobile

SLOGI workshops that can be hosted all over Slovenia

My theater in miniature

S pomočjo stalne razstave bomo raziskovali razvoj gledaliških stavb na Slovenskem in spoznali značilnosti gledaliških predstav.

Theater masks

In the workshop, we go back to the time of Greek antiquity.

A space within a space

At the permanent exhibition, we will see how the premises of the theater have changed over time.

Clothes make the man

In the workshop, we will explore how the theater costume has developed over time, how a costume is created in the theater today and what kind of message it can have.

Baroque stage magic

Baroque stage magic.

Na stalni razstavi se udeleženci seznanijo z baročnimi gledališkimi kulisami in odrsko tehniko iz preteklih časov.

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