Primož Jesenko

The Edge in the Centre: Selected Chapters from the History of Experimental Theatre in Slovenia 1955–1967

The Edge in the Centre: Selected Chapters from the History of Experimental Theatre in Slovenia 1955–1967 is a result of investigating the interconnections between institutional and non institutional activities in the development of Slovenian theatre in the period after 1950, a period that was fuelled throughout by the contact with creative currents outside of Slovenia, or rather, outside of Yugoslavia. The book reveals the dialectic of developmental transformations that were predicted and realised not only by the hosting of theatres from Europe (something that became a regular practice after 1955) but also by the activities of agile individuals who with their sophistication and nonconformist personal attitude shifted the horizon – by drawing attention to the already established genre and stylistic approaches happening abroad, such as the theatre in the round or the introduction of choreographed movement into stage expression.




Author: Primož Jesenko

Editor: Gašper Malej

Reviewers: Blaž Lukan and Tomaž Toporišič

Language editor: Mateja Dermelj

Translation summary: Jana Renée Wilcoxen

Transcription: Natasa Varušak

Selection of photographic material: Primož Jesenko

Design and preparation for the press: Barbara Bogataj Kokalj


Available in Slovenian language

Retail price: 18 EUR

Online sales

ISBN 978-961-6860-09-3

ISSN: 1580-5522

16 x 23,5 cm, 446 pages

Published by: Slovenian Theatre Institute, Mestni trg 17, Ljubljana (represented by Mojca Jan Zoran, Director)

Documents of the Slovenian Theater Institute, Year 51, no. 92, 2014 (published in 2015)

