Maja Šorli (urednica)

Amfiteater, Journal of Performing Arts Theory, Volume 7, Number 1

This issue draws on the international symposium The Art of Kamishibai: The Word of the Image and the Image of the Word, which took place in May 2018 at the Slovenian Theatre Institute in Ljubljana. The thematic section of the issue is introduced with an essay by Igor Cvetko, who examines the wider context of kamishibai in Slovenia, followed by Tara McGowan’s article positioning kamishibai into the global audio-visual history. Julia Gerster analyses how kamishibai was used after the tsunami and nuclear accident on 11 March 2011. Another practical use of kamishibai, that is, as a tool to preserve an endangered language, is described by Yosuke Miki. The thematic part devoted to kamishibai is rounded off by a review of the first Slovenian kamishibai handbook written by Jelena Sitar.

Besides kamishibai-related articles, this issue also brings three articles by Nika Leskovšek, Tasos Angelopoulos and Miha Marek. In addition to the review of the kamishibai handbook, the issue features three other book reviews by Lana Zdravković, Eva Pori and Eva Kučera Šmon.






Thematic Block

Igor Cvetko:

Slovenian Kamishibai in the Light of Cultural Anthropology

Tara McGowan:

Time Travels with Kamishibai: The Ongoing Adventures of a Magical Moving Medium

Julia Gerster:

Beneath the invisible Cloud: Kamishibai After 11 March, Between Disaster Risk Education and Memorialisation

Yosuke Miki:

Kamishibai in Dialect: Aiming to Inherit the Endangered Hachijo-jima Dialect

Sandra Jenko:

Kamišibaj v znamenju kakovosti in umetnosti (Jelena Sitar: Umetnost kamišibaja: Priročnik za ustvarjanje)


Nika Leskovšek:

The Socio-Political Function of Performing Arts and the Democratisation of the Republic of Slovenia: The Example of Drama Observatory Kapital (1991)

Tasos Angelopoulos:

Theatre Reception in Greece and the Ideology of Greekness: From Karolos Koun’s (1959) to Nikos Karathanos’s (2016): Performance of Aristophanes’s The Birds

Miha Marek:

Murder or Therapy: Failed Catharsis and Psychoanalytic Principles in Slavko Grum’s Dramatic Work

Book Reviews

Lana Zdravković:

Koža kot meja med ontološko in civilizacijsko skonstruiranim Jazom (Tina Kolenik: Koža kot kostum: Oblačenje in slačenje v vsakdanjem življenju in umetniškem ustvarjanju)

Eva Pori:

Ugledališčena nomadskost kot plastenje pogleda, raznolikih umetniških kreacij in energij (Tomaž Toporišič: Medmedijsko in medkulturno nomadstvo: O vezljivosti medijev in kultur v sodobnih uprizoritvenih praksah)

Eva Kučera Šmon:

Premeščanje užitka zaradi uživanja (Robert Pfaller: Interpasivnost: Radosti delegiranega uživanja)asd


Submission Guideliness

Call for papers



Editor-in-Chief: Maja Šorli

Editorial Board: Bojana Kunst, Barbara Orel, Primož Jesenko, Blaž Lukan, Aldo Milohnić, Tomaž Toporišič, Gašper Troha

International Editorial Board: Mark Amerika (University of Colorado, US), Marin Blažević (Sveučilište u Zagrebu, HR), Ramsay Burt (De Montfort University, GB), Joshua Edelman (Manchester Metropolitan University, GB), Jure Gantar (Dalhousie University, CA), Janelle Reinelt (The University of Warwick, GB), Anneli Saro (Tartu Űlikool, EE), Miško Šuvaković (Univerzitet Singidunum, RS), S. E. Wilmer (Trinity College Dublin, IE)

Published by: Slovenian Theatre Institute (represented by Mojca Jan Zoran, Director) and University of Ljubljana, Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television (represented by Tomaž Gubenšek, Dean)

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ISSN 1855-4539 (tiskana izdaja)
1855-850X (elektronska izdaja)

Mehka vezava; 206 strani; 17cm x 24 cm; slovenski/angleški jezik.

Revija izhaja dvakrat letno. Cena posamezne številke: 10 EUR. Cena dvojne številke: 18 EUR. Letna naročnina: 16 EUR za posameznike, 13 EUR za študente, 18 EUR za institucije. Poštnina ni vključena.

Spletna prodaja

Revija je vključena v MLA International Bibliography (Directory of Periodicals).

Izdajo publikacije sta finančno podprla Agencija za raziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije in Ministrstvo za kulturo Republike Slovenije.


