Amphitheater, Journal of Performing Arts Theory, Volume 8, Number 1

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Publishers: Slovenian Theater Institute and University in Ljubljana, Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television

ISSN: 1855-4539 (Printed Edition), 1855-850X (Digital Edition)

Paperback, 374 pages; 17cm x 24 cm; Slovenian/English Language.

The journal is published twice annually. Price of a single issue: 10 EUR. Price of a double issue: 18 EUR. Annual subscription: 16 EUR for individuals, 13 EUR for students, 18 EUR for institutions. Postage and handling not included.

Online Sales

The journal is included in: MLA International Bibliography (Directory of Periodicals) and Scopus.

The publication of Amfiteater is supported by the Slovenian Research Agency and the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia.


The first issue of the eighth volume of Amfiteater is devoted entirely to the theme of amateur theatre. The latter is not often the subject of scientific research, neither in Slovenia nor abroad. Given the rich history of amateur theatre in Slovenia and elsewhere in Europe, we have approached this field from various perspectives. Some key periods in the development of Slovenian theatre were analysed by Aldo Milohnič (The Workers’ Stage under Bratko Kreft and Ferdo Delak), Tomaž Toporišič (linking Slovenian avant-garde currents from the late 1960s with the contemporary American avant-garde) and Barbara Orel (the turn to non-acting).

Of course, Slovenian amateur theatre is still a vital part of the theatre landscape. By comparing the current situation in Malta, Estonia and Slovenia, we also aimed to comparatively place it into the European context.

This issue is supplemented by studies of various examples of amateur theatres and projects in Slovenia and abroad.







Aldo Milohnić

The Workers’ Stage (Delavski oder) and the Amateur Effect of “Proletarian Acting”

Ana Kocjančič

Valo Bratina: Architectural and Scenographic Work on the People’s and Workers’ Stages (Hrastnik, Zagorje, Trbovlje, Kočevje, Štore, Duplica, Ljubljana (Moste, Bežigrad))

Tomaž Toporišič

Between Seduction and Suspicion: Experimental, Amateur and Professional Theatre

Barbara Orel

Amateur Theatre and the Alternative of the 1970s: The Turn to Not-Acting in the Slovenian Performing Arts

Gašper Troha

The Situation and Image of Contemporary Amateur Theatre in Slovenia

Anneli Saro, Hedi-Liis Toome

The Challenges of the Estonian Amateur Theatre Field

Vicki Ann Cremona, Marco Galea

The Amateur Theatre in Malta

Tomaž Krpič

“The Passion Play has a Healing Power!”: The Controversies of the Škofja Loka Passion Play

Ana Vrtovec Beno

The Preservation, Presentation and Use of Cultural Heritage in Amateur Theatre

Louise Ejgod Hansen

Children on Stage in Aarhus 2017: The Participatory Turn as a Challenge for the Distinction Between Professional and Amateur Art

Barbara Polajnar

The Theatre of the Oppressed as a Form of Artivist Theatre in Slovenia

Kaja Novosel

Čufar Days: From a Meeting to a Festival

Tara Milčinski

Amateur Theatres in Urban and Rural Environments: a comparison between Loka Stage and Bela Theatre

Ajda Sokler

70 Years of Amateur Theatre in Studenec


Recenzije / Book Reviews

Tjaša Jakop

Govor v pedagoški praksi (Katarina Podbevšek in Nina Žavbi, ur: Govor v pedagoški praksi)

Nenad Jelesijević

Javna tajna: dolgčas (post)dramskega gledališča (Florence Dupont: Aristotel ali vampir zahodnega gledališča)


Submission Guidelines

Call for Papers



Editor-in-Chief: Gašper Troha, PhD, Assist. Prof. (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts and Academy for Theatre, Radio, Film and Television)

Editorial Board: Bojana Kunst, PhD, Prof. (Institut für Angewandte Theaterwissenschaft, Justus-Liebig University Gießen, DE), Barbara Orel, PhD, Prof. (University of Ljubljana, Academy for Theatre, Radio, Film and Television), Primož Jesenko, MA (Slovenian Theatre Institute), Blaž Lukan, PhD, Assist. Prof. (University of Ljubljana, Academy for Theatre, Radio, Film and Television), Aldo Milohnić, PhD, Assoc. Prof. (University of Ljubljana, Academy for Theatre, Radio, Film and Television), Maja Šorli, PhD (self-employed in culture), Tomaž Toporišič, PhD, Assoc. Prof. (University of Ljubljana, Academy for Theatre, Radio, Film and Television)

International Editorial Board: Mark Amerika, MFA (University of Colorado, US), Marin Blažević, PhD, Assoc. Prof. (Sveučilište u Zagrebu, HR), Ramsay Burt, PhD (De Montfort University, GB), Joshua Edelman, PhD (Manchester Metropolitan University, GB), Jure Gantar, PhD (Dalhousie University, CA), Janelle Reinelt, PhD (The University of Warwick, GB), Anneli Saro, PhD (Tartu Űlikool, EE), Miško Šuvaković, PhD, Prof. (Univerzitet Singidunum, RS), Stephen Elliot Wilmer, Prof. (Trinity College Dublin, IE)

Published by: Slovenian Theater Institute (represented by Mojca Jan Zoran, Director) and University of Ljubljana, Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television (represented by Tomaž Gubenšek, Dean)

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