Rudi Kosmač (1932–1981), actor and theatre pedagogue

Rudi Kosmač in the poetic drama Children of the river by Dane Zajc (premiere 22 January 1962, directed by Taras Kermauner, Oder 57). Photo: Vlastja Simončič. Source: Iconotheque SLOGI – Theater Museum.

Kosmač took part in several important productions of Oder 57, such as the poetic drama Children of the river by Dane Zajc (premiere 22 January 1962, directed by Taras Kermauner). Photo: Vlastja Simončič. Source: Iconotheque SLOGI – Theatre Museum.

September 2021 marks the 40th anniversary of the passing of Rudi Kosmač, a master of the artistic word, whose acting was particularly notable in his interpretation of poetry. Next to performing in his home theatre, the Slovenian National Theatre Drama Ljubljana, he was also active on experimental stages, from Oder 57 to Experimental Theatre Glej. Furthermore, he lectured the artistic word at the Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television with extreme sensitivity, and greatly contributed to the field of literary expression and to the culture of speech in general with his recitative strength, especially in the medium of radio. Kosmač also created memorable roles in film and television.

In his “Word of Farewell”, Lado Kralj, the then artistic director of SNT Drama Ljubljana, uttered: “Rudi Kosmač unconditionally believed in theatre and in poetry, his striving burned out in this faith, he believed in the mission of theatre, far from any pathetic undertone, he believed in theatre’s commitment to nation, history and to the present moment.”

From our Collections – September 2021 Poster:

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