Dušan Jovanović – A Cultural Terrorist, Survey Exhibition on the life and work of Dušan Jovanović

Razstava je podaljšana do 11. marca 2025. Razstava Kulturni terorist, ki jo pripravlja SLOGI v sodelovanju s Cankarjevim domom, bo prva pregledna razstava o Jovanovićevem življenju in delu. Razgrnila bo bogato večplastnost njegovega ustvarjalnega opusa, ga ustrezno povezala s ključnimi poglavji iz njegovega življenja ter obenem odgovorila na vprašanje, zakaj ga je Josip Vidmar umestil med »kulturne teroriste«.
Don Quixote - the ballet classic in Slovenian professional theatres

A lecture before the premiere of the new Ljubljana production will present the difference in approaches of individual choreographers and how the productions were received by the audience, while a conversation with ballerinas Regina Križaj, Urša Vidmar and Tjaša Kmetec and choreographer Denis Matvienko will provide an insight into the creation of a ballet role and the different encounters with the ballet model. The event will be organised by Sonja Kerin Krek and Gašper Troha in collaboration with SNT Opera and Ballet Ljubljana and the Slovenian Theatre Institute.
Slovenian Theatre Annual 2022/2023

The Slovenian Theater Yearbook 2022/2023 has been published, the thirty-first in a row, which has been regularly published under this name since 1994, and is also the 36th continuation of the centenary Repertoarja of Slovenian theaters (1867–1967), which was first published on the centenary of the founding of the Drama Society (1967 ). The yearbook is based on an online database of Slovenian theater productions (on the portal sigledal.org), but it also significantly improves the data collected there - with editorials, data on festivals and awards, data on reruns and guest appearances, and a summary and comparison of data between individual theaters.
Connecting Avant-Gardes and Theatre: How to Revolutionise the Relationship between the Periphery and the Centre / Amfiteater Journal International Academic Symposium

The UL AGRFT research group, together with the scientific journal Amfiteater, the Slovenian Theater Institute and the Slovenian Society of Aesthetics, within the UL AGRFT research program Theater and inter-art research (P6-0376), has prepared an international scientific symposium in which more than 25 foreign and domestic experts will participate and artists. The aim of the symposium will be to map the various geographical and historical attempts to revolutionize the relationship between the periphery and the center in Europe and beyond.
Tone Stojko, Theater photography, traveling exhibition in SLOGI

The exhibition of Tone Stojko, Theater Photography accompanied the release of the e-book of the same name. Curator mag. From the photographic material published in the book, Tea Rogelj made a selection of photographs from the period from 1969 to 2016. The traveling exhibition – of course, it is different every time, adapted to each time's spatial conditions and ambience; it was shown for the first time as part of the Borštnik's Meeting Festival in June this year at SNG in Maribor - we will open it at the Slovenian Theater Institute on Wednesday, October 2, 2024, at 7 p.m. with a Talk on Theater Photography.
Slovenian Theatre News, July 2024 Edition

Slovenian Theatre News (Slovenske gledališke novice) so nova pobuda Slovenskega gledališkega inštituta. Kot izdajatelji spletnega portala Kritika, na katerem objavljamo gledališke kritike večine gledaliških uprizoritev v Sloveniji, smo se odločili, da dvakrat na sezono v angleščino prevedemo kritike do petnajstih najboljših predstav po izboru avtorjev in odgovorne urednice Zale Dobovšek. Tako predstavljamo prvo številko Slovenian …