SLOGI events

TACE student workshop - Visions and possibilities: "A new theater for the 21st century" - a vision of a new theater at a selected location in Ljubljana

The concept of the TACE student workshop (international project Theater Architecture in Central Europe / Theater Architecture in Central Europe) was designed by the architect prof. Vojteh Ravnikar.


66 students from eight faculties participated in the workshops.


The future architects began to create a conceptual draft for a new theater in the area of South Square. Already Jožef Plečnik conceived of South Square, the area between Zvezda Park, Slovensko cesta, Čopova and Wolfova, as one of the most elite areas of the city. He saw the place as the end of an axis running from Trnovska cesta, which has an almost mythical meaning for Slovenians, because there Prešeren saw two eyes of "pure flame", his immortal love Julia, across the Plečnik Bridge, the only bridge on which trees grow, past Križanki to the Square of the French Revolution and next to the National and University Library and the Provincial Palace, the headquarters of the University, to Zvezda Park. At the top of this axis, running in the south-north direction, should stand the new Slovenian theater, the first one built in the 21st century. Talia's temple, which will connect the past with the present, the noblest fruits of the Slovenian spirit and architecture with a space of archaic art, which still renews ancient rituals, when every evening it unites actors and spectators in a miraculous brotherhood.


The students, representatives of the youngest generation of architects, were helped in their work by professors from the universities involved in the project: Péter Klobusovszki (Budapest University of Technology and Economics), Jakub Kynčl with colleagues Vítězslav Nový and Jan Sochor (Brno University of Technology), Ksenia Piątkowska (University of Technology in Gdańsk), Jacek Rybarkiewicz (Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice), Professor Jiří Suchomel (Technical University in Liberec), Marek Teska (Czech Technical University in Prague), Imro Vaško (Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava ) and Maruša Zorec (University of Ljubljana).


18 and 20 March 2009 were also held at the Faculty of Architecture lectures.


Students created sketches, plans and models as part of the workshop. They were presented in November 2009 at exhibit in the atrium of the City Hall of Ljubljana and in catalog The New Theater for the 21st Century.


The future architects began to create a conceptual draft for a new theater in the area of South Square.



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