SLOGI events

Amfiteater journal Scientific Symposium: Theater experiment in Slovenia (1966–1986) and its resonance

Amfiteater journal
Scientific Symposium

Theater experiment in Slovenia (1966–1986) and its resonance

6 – 7 October 2022, Slovenian Theatre Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia


Generator::for the production of any number of drama complexes, or “a collection of Slovenian experimental drama and performance texts from the modernist period (1966-1986)”, published by UL AGRFT and SLOGI (2021), has brought more than 50 texts by around 30 Slovenian authors and several collectives into our theatrical, literary and cultural consciousness. These are highly experimental and innovative texts that play with both language and the dramatic genre, and which have been almost unknown to contemporary theory due to being published in newspapers and magazines. The publication of this monograph is an opportunity to reconsider these texts, their significance at the time of their creation and their influence on the further development of Slovenian drama, literature and theatre, and it also opens up the possibility of comparison with the Yugoslav or even European space. This is the challenge posed by this year’s Amphitheatre Scientific Symposium.



Organizers of the symposium

The Slovenian Theatre Institute (SLOGI) is a national public institution founded in 2014 as the legal successor of the National Theatre Museum of Slovenia, founded in 1952. The Institute aims at the continued evolution of theatre culture at the national level and to raise the awareness of the role and importance of theatre in the development of society and individuals. The Institute is engaged in collecting, preserving, documenting, researching, examining, interpreting, promoting and presenting Slovenian theatre culture, of its heritage and as contemporary theatre arts, both at the national and international levels.

The Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television of the University of Ljubljana (UL AGRFT) performs educational, artistic and research work in the fields of theatre, radio, film and television. From its founding in 1945 to 1975, it operated as an independent higher education institution with a rector, and then became a member of the University of Ljubljana.

Amfiteater – Journal of Performing Arts Theory, is a scientific journal that publishes original articles on performing arts with a broad spectrum from dramatic theatre, drama, dance, performance and hybrid art forms. Authors can analyse the forms and content of artwork and art phenomena from the field of performing arts, their history, their present, and their future, as well as their relationship to other art forms and the broader (social, cultural, political…) context.




The symposium is organized in cooperation with the University of Ljubljana, Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television, within the framework of the Theatre and Interart Research programme (project No. P6-0376), co-financed by the Slovenian Research Agency from the state budget.

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