SLOGI events

2nd conference of the theatre of the Oppressed: Theatre of the Oppressed and building Community Resilience

The 2nd Conference of the Theatre of the Oppressed, organized by KUD Transformator will be held in Ljubljana between the 11th and the 12th of November 2021. It is an international conference with a clear purpose: identifying and promoting Theatre of the Oppressed as a tool for building community resilience, as well as finding effective ways to implement it towards this goal – in Slovenia as well as internationally. To achieve this we will be hosting Slovenian and international authors, who will present their experiences, methods, success stories, and hurdles, in three fields which represent different areas where Theatre of the Oppressed can be implemented to build community resilience:

• Building connections through pedagogic work and education
• Building international connections between Theatre of the Oppressed practitioners and the visibility of this theatre method through internatnional and Slovenian Theatre of the Oppressed festivals.
• Building community among audiences and activating audiences with the help of Theatre of the Oppressed as an approach to performances

Along with this theoretical exchange of experiences and knowledge, there will also be practical TO workshops with mentors from Bolivia (Ana Salazar Torrez) and Austria (Joschka Köck and Linda Raule).

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The event is aimed at anyone who is interested in creating theatre performances, educate in, and organize workshops and trainings according to Theatre of the Oppressed methodology, or works with youths and other marginalized groups. Employees in schools, kindergartens, and other educational facilities are also welcome.

Programme booklet

Videos of the presentations


THURSDAY, 11. 11. 2021

10.00–14.00 / Slovenian Theatre Institute, Mestni trg 17, Ljubljana
Shaping communities among the spectators and activation of the audience – article presentations

9.40–10.00 | Registration
10.00 | Welcoming intro
10.15 | Ronald Matthyssen: Creating Communities in an Atomized Society How Theatre of the Oppressed Focuses on Values to Mobilize
10.45 | Joschka Köck and Linda Raule: From Community towards a Movement: Thoughts from Practice
11.15 | Tjaša Kosar: Community: THE mission of theater of the oppressed community and humanity in the 21st century
11.45-12.15 | Break
12.15 | Zala Dobovšek: Theatre of the Oppressed and Oppression in Theatre
12.45 | Petra Goljevšček: Non-festival and potentiality
13.15 | Metka Bahlen Okoli: Vstani, deklica
13.45 | Ana Salazar Torrez, Teatro Trono (Bolivia): Decolonization of the body
14.15–14.30 | Closing

17.00–20.00 / location TBA after registration

Teatro Trono: Decolonization of the body

About: We will be joined by our interesting young guests from Bolivia, the youth theater group Teatro Trono. Together with their expert colleague Ana Salazar from the COMPA Foundation – Teatro Trono, they will conduct a workshop on the topic of “decolonization of the body”, ie. ways to move away from the intellect and the head with theatrical techniques, and how to use such methods in school. We will test practical examples of interesting activities, also useful in the classroom, that were originally developed in this Bolivian organization.

The Bolivian COMPA Foundation is a project developed due to the special needs of the indigenous population of Bolivia. It promotes empowerment processes by questioning the relationship between colonization and the oppression of individuals (“bound bodies”). The method and philosophy of social work in COMPA is based on the concept of “decolonization of the body”, which aims to strengthen the community, empower local leaders and create well-being for each individual. Methodologically, the concept of “decolonization of the body” has its roots both in Western ideas of freedom and liberation and in progressive artistic approaches, which include e.g. the theater of the oppressed and the epic theater of Bertolt Brecht. Philosophically, the decolonization of the body is based on the “Cosmovision” of the Andes and the “Buen Vivir” (good life) movement, which seeks a balance between society, the individual and nature.


FRIDAY, 12. 11. 2021

10.00–14.00 / Slovenian Theatre Institute, Mestni trg 17, Ljubljana
Building communities through pedagogical work and education – article presentations

9.40–10.00 | Registration
10.00 | Welcoming intro
10.15 | Jana Burger and Metka Bahlen Okoli: Placing Theatre of the Oppressed in the context of theatre pedagogy
10.45 | Tomaž Podbevšek: Using Theatre of the Oppressed in work with children and youth
11.15 | Adriana Vučković: Theatre of the Oppressed as a tool in addressing the topic: peer violence in primary school
11.45–12.15 | Break
12.15 | Barbara Polajnar and Urša Adamič (KUD Transformator): Presentation of the book InExActArt: the Autopoietic Theatre of Augusto Boal – A Handbook of Theatre of the Oppressed Practice
12.45 | Aldo Milohnić: Presentation of the book: Theatre of Resistance (*unofficial translation)
13.15 | Matevž Pistotnik: The role of theatre in political processes
13.45–14.00 | Closing

16.00–19.00 / location TBA after registration

Joschka Köck: On Community building and organizing
Linda Raule: Connecting bodies and Communities

About: Joschka Köck: On Community building and organizing

Deep Organizing is the art of becoming many in a political struggle and make them truly participatory. In Organizing community builds around specific political goals. In TO workshops community builds through specific embodied experiences. How can TO methods be used best for Organizing purposes? What does it mean to fully integrate an Organizing view into TO work? In this workshop we will explore these questions together drawing from our own experiences and from our bodies. We will learn key Organizing principles and apply them to our theatrical work.

About: Linda Raule: Connecting Bodies in Communities

After a long time of physical distancing and experimenting with closeness through distance, we will have a concrete look upon our bodies: what did distancing do to our bodies and what did change in connecting with others? How do we build communities including our bodies? What does encounter mean in distance and closeness? We will explore ourselves in contact with each other through dance and classic TO methods and reflect upon building community on a physical level as a basis for political struggle.


Videos of the presentations

Ronald Matthyssen: Creating Communities in an Atomized Society How Theatre of the Oppressed Focuses on Values to Mobilize

Joschka Köck: From Community towards a Movement: Thoughts from Practice

Zala Dobovšek: Theatre of the Oppressed and Oppression in Theatre

Petra Goljevšček: Non-festival and potentiality

Ana Salazar Torrez, Teatro Trono (Bolivia): Decolonization of the body

Jana Burger and Metka Bahlen Okoli: Placing Theatre of the Oppressed in the context of theatre pedagogy

Tomaž Podbevšek: Using Theatre of the Oppressed in work with children and youth

Adriana Vučković: Theatre of the Oppressed as a tool in addressing the topic: peer violence in primary school

Aldo Milohnić: Presentation of the book: Theatre of Resistance (*unofficial translation)

Matevž Pistotnik: The role of theatre in political processes


Co-organiser: Slovenian Theatre Institute
The conference is cofunded by JSKD and MOL.

*A valid RVT (recovered, vaccinated, tested) certificate to enter the event is required. Please come to the event only if healthy, wear a mask and follow the general hygienic recommendations regarding covid-19.

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