We present Slovenian theatre heritage with permanent and occasional exhibitions and virtual exhibitions. We prepare exhibitions independently or in cooperation with domestic and international partners.

V ciklu predavanj in pogovorov izbrane uprizoritve tekoče sezone SNG Drama Ljubljana in SNG Opera in balet Ljubljana postavljamo v širši zgodovinski, umetniški in družbeni kontekst.

SLOGI takes care of the publication of professional works in the field of theater through its regular publishing activity.
In addition to works in the field of theater history and dramatic literature, the library also collects material that deals with general cultural history and that is helpful both for current museum work (exhibition and publishing) as well as for research and study of the listed areas.

The Golden Stick (Zlata paličica) online platform is a reference base for finding and first getting to know quality theater performances for children and youth.

Digitalna baza, ki jo SLOGI ureja na portalu Sigledal, zajema podroben popis uprizoritev v slovenskem profesionalnem, polprofesionalnem in zunajinstitucionalnem gledališču, od leta 1867 dalje.

Na portalu Sigledal SLOGI ureja portal Slovenska dramatika v prevodih (Slovene Drama in Translation), ki smo ga zasnovali kot referenčno točko za seznanjanje strokovne publike s sodobno dramsko pisavo.

The Slovenian Theater Institute (SLOGI) is a national public institution dedicated to preserving Slovenian theater culture, collecting, documenting, researching, studying and interpreting material from the field of theater heritage and various forms of their presentation and promotion.

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