Dogodki SLOGI

From our Collections – Hinko Smrekar: Mr. and Mrs. Bicek at the Theatre

We are presenting our collections.

Hinko Smrekar uses a caricature drawing to make fun of two typical spectators of the Slovenian National Theatre in Ljubljana, whom he names as Mr. and Mrs. Bicek.

It is possible to see their response to four performances, staged in years 1919 and 1920. Pure pleasure can be seen on their faces as they watch the light farce Spanish Fly by Franz Arnold and Ernst Bach, they are visibly touched by the melodrama The Miller and His Child by Ernst Raupach, bored with the drama Jakob Ruda by Ivan Cankar, while falling asleep at A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare.

A closer look at the drawing is possible from 27 October 2021 to 13 February 2022 at the second part of the comprehensive exhibition Hinko Smrekar (1883–1942) at the National Galler y in Ljubljana.

From our Collections – October 2021 Poster:

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