This year’s first issue draws on the international symposium The Art of Kamishibai: The Word of the Image and the Image of the Word, which took place in May 2018 at the Slovenian Theatre Institute in Ljubljana. The thematic section of the issue is introduced with an essay by Igor Cvetko, who examines the wider context of kamishibai in Slovenia, followed by Tara McGowan’s article positioning kamishibai into the global audio-visual history. Julia Gerster analyses how kamishibai was used after the tsunami and nuclear accident on 11 March 2011. Another practical use of kamishibai, that is, as a tool to preserve an endangered language, is described by Yosuke Miki. The thematic part devoted to kamishibai is rounded off by a review of the first Slovenian kamishibai handbook written by Jelena Sitar.
Besides kamishibai-related articles, this issue also brings three articles by Nika Leskovšek, Tasos Angelopoulos and Miha Marek. In addition to the review of the kamishibai handbook, the issue features three other book reviews by Lana Zdravković, Eva Pori and Eva Kučera Šmon.
The journal is included in: MLA International Bibliography (Directory of Periodicals). The publishing of Amfiteater is supported by the Slovenian Research Agency and the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia.